Friday, April 17, 2009


Adam's family has the tradition of hiding Easter baskets and having to find them Easter morning. So we told Brody to go look for his Easter basket and this was him thinking of where to look (he's got his finger on his cheek).
He found it in the dryer! (We had to tell him to look in the dryer)

This was the best we could do for a family picture. Brody wasn't in the mood to cooperate. I didn't even get any individual pictures of the kids. I told my mom I'm going to have to put them back in their Easter outfits and take pictures of them.

We didn't do all of our Easter festivites in the right order, but we dyed Easter eggs on Monday night. We had to tell Brody we were "coloring" Easter eggs because he has recently started to learn what "die" means (because of dead cows) and we didn't want to confuse him.

We didn't do very many eggs, but it was still fun.

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