Friday, April 17, 2009

Chatter Box

Brody has started to talk so much. In fact, it usually seems like he never stops talking. And most of the time he keeps repeating himself until you acknowledge or repeat what he said. But I realized that I need to start writing down all the cute and funny things he says. I wanted to post a few of the funny things he's been saying lately. Things we say usually end up coming out of his mouth.

The other day I laid him back over the sink to wet his hair down so I could comb it. When I sat him up he said, "Freakin' out!"

I'm afraid since the baby's been born I have told him I'm busy too often because any time I ask him to do something or to come here he says, "Can't... I'm dizzy (meaning busy)".

His favorite question to ask is "Where?" even if it doesn't make sense.
Brody: "Where'd Dad go?"
Me: "To work."
B: "Where?"
M: "At the bank."
B: "Where?"
M: "In Rolla."
B: "Where?"
And so on, and so on....

Sometimes I wish we had a toddler translater. The other day he kept saying, "Fiper box" and I couldn't figure out what he was saying until we were watching Dora the Explorer a few days later and he said "fiper box" when Swiper the Fox came on.

Whenever we ask him "Why?" about something his respone is "Pwise" or "Pwus", which both mean "because". ("Pwise" took me a while to figure out).

Unfortunately he has also repeated the words crap, dad-gummit, hate and a few other not so nice words for a 2-year-old to be saying. We really have to watch what we say around Mr. Repeat. He definately provides a good laugh daily. We love our little chatter box.

1 comment:

Angela and Mike said...

haha, how funny. When I was a sunbeam teacher I often wished I had a translater as well. The problem with kids is that they KNOW when you don't know what they are saying and they KEEP repeating it until you say it back to them. That poses a problem when you have no idea what they are saying! haha.

The easter outfits are darling! My Colton is HUGE, I'm pretty sure he's 12+ lbs already!