Sunday, September 6, 2009

6 months

March 5, 2009
Our little Brookie 6 months ago ........

........ and here she is now -- 6 months old.
This girl LOVES her bottle! She only gets one bottle a day (every night before bed) and I nurse her the rest of the time, but when she sees her bottle she goes crazy! She's learned how to hold it by herself now too.
It's nice for Adam to be able to feed her every once in a while, or at least hold her while she feeds herself I guess.
Still loving her jumperoo.
She's got the biggest, brightest blue eyes and cutest little ears that stick out. If only her smiles weren't so few and far between these days (I hope we survive this fussiness!).
We love our little Brookie!


Angela and Mike said...

You've managed to get a lot of cute smiles on camera. She sure is darling. I'm sorry she's fussy. I bet you just wish she could be happy all the time...I love happy babies. But of course, we still love our babies even when they test our patience :)

melody said...

Yes, Kelly, she is a doll! I hope Brody is a good helper while she is fussy. He looks like an awesome big brother.