Some of the funny things Brody's been saying lately:
Yesterday he was sent to time-out a couple of times throughout the day for various things. Sometime in the afternoon he lost his patience and hit me so I sent him to time-out. His reply was "Again?!?" My thoughts exactly, Bro. I about couldn't hold back the laughter.
He really likes to list off stuff and he's always talking about things he wants to do when he's older or bigger. Most days he says, "When me older me ride bulls, cows, horses, drive tractors, fourwheelers......" and the list goes on. I'm not sure how I feel about the bull riding part.
He has reached the "why" phase. He asks "Why?" at least a million times a day. One day he said to me, "Me ask lots of questions all the time." No kidding.
One day I raised my voice at him for getting in to stuff I'd been asking him not. He went off into the living room to pout and from the kitchen I told him I was sorry. In exactly the same voice and tone I use when I want him to apologize he said to me, "Come here, Mom. Come here." I went in and again I told him I was sorry and he said, "That's alright" and he gave me a hug and kiss. I'm grateful that's he's so quick to forgive!
Last night we were enjoying some cooler weather and playing outside. Adam and Brody were playing a little bit of T-ball. But half the time when Adam was trying to teach him how to hit the ball Brody was off picking "beautiful flowers" for me. So sweet.
Just some random stuff about my boy:
He loves to play hide-and-seek.
He loves worms.
He prefers to sleep in just a diaper.
He loves his sister.
He is obsessed with cows and anything and everything farm related.
He is an excellent eater.
He loves to swing on the big swings at the park, and he likes to go really high.
He loves his "cowboy bed" and he sleeps like a champ.
He is crazy about his dad.
He can make a cow pen out of just about anything.
He is all around a joy to have as a son!
I love our Brody!
It's so fun to read the funny things Brody says. I feel like I am getting to know him through your blog. Wish I could meet him in person! Someday, I am sure...
Oh yes, I spoke to Julie and her mom about our common acquaintance - your family! It was fun to hear how cute your kids are from someone who has seen them face to face! They had very kind things to say about you and Adam as well. Small world, huh?
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