Friday, April 24, 2009

Growing girl and boy

I love this little cotton dress I bought Brooke. It was so warm the other day so I put it on her when I took the kids to the park.
Does she look bigger yet? I think she is really starting to get big fast now, but I don't know if you can tell from this picture. What do you think, Mom?

He still sucks his fingers and snuggles his blanket. Any suggestions on how to break that habit (sucking the fingers)?

He's looking so grown up these days. If you can't tell those are black rubber boots he's wearing -- he wears them with everything.

Can we say regression? Not really. He just likes to play with baby's pacifiers -- especially when I'm nursing the baby and he knows I can't stop him.

1 comment:

Jennifer Rasmussen said...

They are adorable. Brody is such a boy! Jared used to be like that, always lining things up in nice order. What a fun age and imagination! Brooke does look a little bigger, but she's still so tiny! I forget how small they are! I can't wait to get my hand on her again in a few weeks! love you! Jen